Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome Parents Newsletter Week #1

Dear Parents,
            I can’t tell you how excited I am to have your child and you as part of my class this year. From the start of the school year to the end I hope to make this experience an exciting time for both you and your child. I am here to provide you with the expectations and rules of the classroom so that your child can be successful and excel in all of the learning opportunities.
            Each day, I expect the students to come to class ready to learn. I can guarantee you that from the first day of school I will address the expectations of each class day for the students, so I ask that your child can get to class on time, ready to take on the tasks at hand and understanding exactly where to look to find those tasks.
            At the beginning of each day we will start our morning off with the morning message and the daily schedule, at this time the students will be greeted by me and their fellow students. I want my class to feel comfortable for your child and like a family. It is important for me to allow your child to feel welcomed into class and safe, in order to allow all students a chance to learn effectively and reach their full potential. During the morning message and daily agenda, the students and I will have discussions about what is expected of them that day, getting them ready to learn and knowing exactly what they will be doing all day, making transitions from subjects effective and quick.
            As you can imagine, your child will be learning a lot each day and will participate in different activities that ensure their full participation and attention. During this time, I will expect the students to clean up their areas where they are working and move proficiently to the next activity. Students also make many transitions throughout the day from class to recess, lunch and back to class for more learning. During these times I expect the students to walk the halls in a respectful manner, use the restroom and come back into the classroom ready to get back to work and continue learning. It is important that students can do this as well as understand where materials are in the classroom because the day will run smoothly, the environment in the classroom will be comfortable and learning will not be disrupted.
            I will be sending out a weekly progress report of your child’s progress that week that will be attached to a end of the week letter written by your child. This letter and progress report will be sent out on Fridays and expected to be signed and returned the following Monday. It is important that this is done because I want to know you understand what is going on in class as well as what progress your child is making throughout each week. It is important to me to have good communication with both you and your child, so each month I will be posting a schedule of what is coming up, student achievements and what is expected of your child that month on my blog for you to look at and in order to keep you up to date on classroom activities and assignments. Please feel free to always contact me with any concerns or questions via phone call or meeting. If you would like to set up a meeting with me, we can arrange a time on the phone or in person.
            It is important for me to set high expectations for your child because I know they can do amazing things. I look forward to a great year!
Miss Harris

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